Przygotowanie do ceremonii Iboga

Before the ceremony.

Bring a journal or voice recorder as you will likely experience increased awareness about your life, gain new insights and may wish to capture these. In the first part of the journey you will be fully immersed in the experience, however during the later stages or the morning after your iboga journey it will be progressively easier to record insights. Soak in your experience and write about it if you can, to retain as much as possible.


You should abstain from alcohol, drugs and most medicines for at least 14 days

Some drugs/medications require abstinence for up to 30 days. No worries, let us know what's going on and we'll s we will work with you in this process.

Eat as clean as possible. Sugars and processed foods are best avoided.

Colon Hydrotherapy allows medicine to go deeper into your body

Practice Meditation
Remember to breathe! If the iboga experience feels overwhelming, slow down and focus on your breath. Experienced meditators will have an easier time maintaining calmness and balance, even during difficult times in the journey. If you have past experience with Vipassana meditation, you will be ahead of the game. The iboga experience is like a long meditation where the lines of reality and the dream may shift for you in a positive way.

At least a week before your trip to Iboga, we recommend that you start preparing your body, mind and spirit. Medicine works best with the clearest channel, so the more work we do the less "noise" and toxins that medicine needs to wade through. The more time you give, the better.

Healthy foods

Eat healthy, vibrant foods~ Iboga is a strong on the physical body so fasting or juicing exclusively is not recommended (though it is great to add juices to your eating schedule). Organic and minimally processed foods are best.


Pre- and Post-Iboga Diet: There is no "Iboga Diet", but the cleaner we eat, the less we need to detox before the medicine takes effect. It is complete magic. There is also a very strong correlation between the body/mind/soul connection. When we are aware and conscious of what we are putting into our body, we tend to be more mindful of our thoughts, the environment, and the company we choose to keep. We have found that many people who also implement changes in their diet after a deep inner shift and vice versa. The more we can prepare in advance to "attune" and clear aspects of our lives, the more deeply medicine can go faster

Iboga ceremony preparation
  • Pastured & wild meats/seafood (unless already vegetarian or vegan)
  • Hearty nourishing plant-based foods
  • Lots of fruits and vegetables
  • Grounding foods such as root vegetables, bone broth, soups/stews (especially after the retreat)
  • Minimal to no sugar
  • Remove any alcohol 7-14 days before (unless instructed for longer)
  • Reduce caffeine (no more than 1 cup per day so as to avoid caffeine headaches the day of ceremony)
  • Eliminate soda and other sugary beverages
  • Drink a lot of filtered water (1 gallon per day +)
  • Eliminate highly processed foods, especially with preservatives and artificial colors/flavors
  • Medications & Supplements: It is recommended to pause most medications when working with Iboga. Either they are contraindicated or will simply be flushed out by the medicine. Speak with us honestly before you book about anything that you are currently taking. This is for your safety, we cannot stress this enough.

Physical activities

Physical Exercise~ If you have a normal routine 3-5 times a week continue this and perhaps add some extra time in nature if your practice is indoors. If you are not particularly active consider adding the following activities:

  • Walks in nature, perhaps with a pet
  • Gentle yoga, qi gong, tai chi
  • Swimming, bike rides


Mindset - intention

Set your intention for your treatment stay - clarify your goals and prepare questions to answer you will ask medicine. See below for more information on how to do this.

Part of your retreat package is a one-on-one preparatory call with me. I'll give you an idea about what you can expect, let's see how you do I will help you prepare your questions and set your intention.

You are giving yourself an incredible gift. Consider feeling grateful, excited, and empowered. Show off now. Go ahead, I'll wait

No Distractions

No Distractions — Iboga retreats should be a calm, introspective time. To allow for maximum healing, this means limiting or removing distractions. Save travel excursions and adventures for before or after your retreat. After a journey, the insights flow freely. The only way to listen to your soul and observe the depths of healing is to embrace the stillness. Sometimes people have the most powerful realizations the day after their ceremony. It is important not to use computers, phones, books, or other distractions after a journey. Our lives are so busy. Make the choice to “unplug,” and slow down. You’ll receive much more from Iboga this way

Committing to this spiritual journey and setting our intentions is the beginning. But as our journey approaches, the mind, sensing imminent demise of its destructive ways, will play tricks and cause us to doubt.

When these doubtful thoughts come, simply acknowledge them and let them pass. Be aware of the thoughts without reading into them, or attaching to them. It is okay that they exist. Thoughts will always exist, negative and positive. It is up to us to decide how much power to give them

Deep healing is not comfortable and it is not easy, but it works. Healing at the root happens when we surrender. It happens when we confront our fears. By confronting our shadows, we break through to our greatest possible light!

When considering Iboga as a teacher, we must take the first step and ask ourselves, ‘Am I ready?’

To znamená, že jsme ochotni nahlédnout hluboko do své duše, zavázat se, že převezmeme zpět své vlastnictví mysl a naše životy, že jsme připraveni hledat pravdu a osvobodit se od toho, co nás brzdí.

Meditation and intention are essential to guiding your journey! This is a deep soujourn into your inner psyche and having questions prepared will help to drive the journey and visions. Practice guided imagery of surrendering and letting go of who you are for the purpose of being psychologically and spiritually cleansed and even reborn. Be flexible with expectations about the experience because it is vastly different for all people. Iboga causes dreamlike visions but not for everyone. Although there is little to no medical risk, the experience can induce a sense of fear and a virtual or simulated near death experience. Psychologically surrendering versus holding on can minimize fear during the experience.


Once you decide to participate in the Iboga ceremony, the Iboga spirit will begin to work with you. If you need financial help, ask Iboga for it and Iboga will help you make it happen.

Meditation is a powerful tool to start strengthening the muscle that quiets your mind and turns you around inward, connecting you to your soul. Doing this in advance will prepare you for the ceremony the best thing you can do is quiet your mind and follow the music.

Trust your soul if you feel an intuitive call for a cure.

When considering Iboga as a teacher, we must take the first step and ask ourselves, ‘Am I ready?’

This means that we are willing to look deep inside our soul, to commit to taking back ownership of our minds and our lives, that we are ready to seek truth and break free from what is holding us back.

You find time for yourself

Walks in nature, perhaps with a pet
Gentle yoga, qi gong, tai chi
Swimming, bike rides
Detox Your Brain~ Reduce/eliminate your television, computer and social media time. We store a lot of programming in our subconscious from these sources and the clearer we are- the less Iboga has to move through before getting to the heart of what we are looking to receive from the medicine.

Start the Process

The changes often begin the moment we make the commitment to work with this medicine. Up to months in advance most notice that life begins to shift. In order to get the most of your experience we suggest some preparation in advance:

  • Review aspects of your life/behaviors that you are ready to release
  • Clarifying what you are looking to heal<
  • Create clear intentions about what you wish to discover about your life<
  • Give directives to cleanse the body & environment around you<
  • Prepare you to make lasting life changes<
  • Bring items stored in the subconscious into the conscious to be released<
  • Help to understand your programming and the subconscious mind<

Connect with your intentions

Get very clear on what it is you are looking to heal. Doing the workbook and with a preparation coach, therapist or healer can also assist in moving and clarifying a lot to begin to move some of the energy in advance to receive even more from the medicine during the retreat.

Focus On You

Focus On You — If you have been contemplating on whether or not to go on a retreat with a loved one, or a group of friends, you must focus on you — not them — during your retreat. Simply put, the process is yours, and loved ones can be more of a distraction than a comfort. Focusing on someone else will prevent you from receiving Iboga’s insights..

Ultimately you are looking to:

  • Surrender, be willing to be open to how the process unfolds
  • Understand that whatever we expect will be completely different
  • Be open to entering a state of complete vulnerability
  • Be willing to look at uncomfortable aspects of your life (this helps them pass and heal)
  • Open your heart and your mind
  • Understand that trust in the medicine and in us increases the healing process on every level
  • Committing to ceremony is an opportunity to address everything that has caused us suffering.
  • While the past cannot be changed, the choice to make peace with it remains in our control, the power is not outside of us!

Preparing questions for Iboga

Questions? What?

Yes! Once you have consumed enough medicine during the ceremony, you can ask Iboga absolutely anything. Iboga connects you to your soul, your truth - where all the answers are.

Once this connection occurs, a meditation practice at home will strengthen both of your relationships with Iboga and with your Soul. To support listening to your intuition regularly, trust yourself and answer all your questions - always.

First Step

Life Overview

When preparing questions, we recommend taking out your notebook and drawing a line down the middle of the page.

On the left side, write down all the things you don't like about your life right now.

On the right side of the line, directly opposite each, write how you want it to look.

For example, if there are problems in your romantic relationship. On the right hand side write my partner and I are fighting. Just write what you want it to be directly across, for example me and my partner are in a healthy relationship.

You can create your questions here. For example,

How can I have a healthy relationship?

Second Step

Do things differently

Now that you've healed an old wound, it's time to create a new habit so you can start creating new ones Result. Ask medicine how you can do things differently.

How can I change it?

How can I communicate better with my partner?

As Moughenda says "become the captain of your own ship!" And according to Coby Kozlowski, "when you change the ship's course by one degree, you end up in a completely new destination."

But first you have to realize that you are in control to make new decisions - and that's the potential of Iboga

In ceremony

  • Surrender, be willing to be open to how the process unfolds
  • Understand that whatever we expect will be completely different
  • Be open to entering a state of complete vulnerability
  • Be willing to look at uncomfortable aspects of your life (this helps them pass and heal)
  • Open your heart and your mind
  • Understand that trust in the medicine and in us increases the healing process on every level
  • Committing to ceremony is an opportunity to address everything that has caused us suffering. While the', past cannot be changed, the choice to make peace with it remains in our control, the power is not outside of us!

Be Comfortable

Wear loose, comfortable clothing during your journey. You can experience your body temperature changes, so wearing layers is helpful. Extra blankets are always available. Don't hesitate to ask for help if you need anything, be it with your thoughts or physical needs.

  • Surrender, be willing to be open to how the process unfolds
  • Understand that whatever we expect will be completely different
  • Be open to entering a state of complete vulnerability
  • Be willing to look at uncomfortable aspects of your life (this helps them pass and heal)
  • Open your heart and your mind
  • Understand that trust in the medicine and in us increases the healing process on every level
  • Committing to ceremony is an opportunity to address everything that has caused us suffering. While the', past cannot be changed, the choice to make peace with it remains in our control, the power is not outside of us!

Be Comfortable

Wear loose, comfortable clothing during your journey. You can experience your body temperature changes, so wearing layers is helpful. Extra blankets are always available. Don't hesitate to ask for help if you need anything, be it with your thoughts or physical needs.

Do not force anything

Don’t Force It — After taking Iboga, it is common to experience discomfort at first. This is just how the energy of Iboga works — you’ve got to feel it to heal it. The most easeful way to navigate any discomfort is to relax, by focusing on your breath, and surrender. The medicine knows exactly what needs to happen for us to heal.

Remember why Iboga called you, and sit in that trust. Expectations of how you want your journey to go are fruitless. No two people ever experience Iboga in the same way. Your journey is yours alone, and the Spirit of Iboga will sit and wait until you are ready to receive it. Our providers will be with you the whole time to guide and assist

After the ceremony

Discovery Day

Following your ceremony, the next day is spent resting in your room. Providers will continually come in and out to check in on you. If you cannot sleep, don’t worry. It is common to not fall asleep until later in the evening. Discovery Day is meant for relaxation and stillness — two key pieces that allow Iboga to continue revealing insights and messages. Electronic devices and reading materials are distractions, and choosing to use these will prevent Iboga from being able to continue its work. Commit to a distraction-free zone, and feel free to ask questions when providers check on you. If you do not feel like walking just yet, you will not need to. Providers will bring all of your meals to your room. Once you get that first good night’s sleep, you will feel inspired and rejuvenated.

Stay positive

Stay Positive — Trust the process. As you learn about yourself and shed old patterns, it is important to consciously choose positivity. It is common to experience ups and downs during a retreat, while your body and mind are defragmenting and reprogramming, and that is a beautiful thing. Just be a witness to the shifts. How you feel on day three will be drastically different than how you feel on day eight. Embark on this integration with purpose, and deflect any negative thoughts by refocusing on positive ones. Go with the flow and be patient with yourself. Negative thoughts can only grow when we give attention to them. Otherwise they are powerless

How you feel on day three will be very different from how you feel on day eight. Get into this one integration with purpose and deflect any negative thoughts by refocusing on positive thoughts. Go with with the wave of change and be patient with yourself. Negative thoughts can only grow if we pay attention to them. Otherwise, they have power over us..

When you arrive home have a trusted friend, coach, counselor or spiritual advisor to process the experience with. This sacrament can open up your psychological and energetic field so it is advantageous to surround yourself with people who are loving and at a empathetic in the days following. For example, avoid large crowds.

Some people report difficulty sleeping the nights following and melatonin supplementation (~3mg at bedtime) or GABA can be beneficial in this regard

It’s important to note that iboga stays in your system for at least several weeks, so avoiding alcohol and stimulants will prolong the benefits of this work. It is best to avoid alcohol at least one month post, so you can fully integrate your experience. If you maximize the purification benefits, stay away for 3-6 months, you may see even more profound shifts in your life than the actual ceremony itself. Many report not even having a desire to drink, as the candida or emotional attachment tends to be completely eliminated by the medicine, reducing any cravings for sugar and carbohydrates.

NOTE: My recommendation is not to do any other plant medicines after Iboga treatment. If you plan on taking doing other ceremonial plant medicines, give at least a month in between for recovery and integration of your experience. This powerful plant spirit is still providing healing months after the ceremony and other medicines can interfere with the process. Many people report high levels of sensitivity to other psychoactive medicines post ceremony. Use caution specifically with recreational use of psychoactive medicines.

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