Iboga vs Ayahuasca

While both powerful and highly beneficial entheogenic plants, Iboga and Ayahuasca have very different properties. Ayahuasca has a female spirit; therefore, she is considered the mother of Ayahuasca, grandmother or Aya. Iboga, on the other hand, is both a male and female spirit and is often considered a grandfather or godfather. Iboga and Ayahuasca have different ways of delivering their messages, teachings and effects. While Ayahuasca you sends out, Iboga brings you in.
The symbolism of Iboga as a root could not be more perfect as it is the most grounding substance in the world that grounds you it connects back to self, earth and reality. Ayahuasca is more mysterious in its messages and uses symbolism, to express its meaning. Regardless of their individual approach, these two ancient healing and spiritual plants have something to offer humanity.

What are entheogenic plant medicines?

Entheogenic plant medicines refer to the use of naturally occurring plant-derived substances with mind-altering properties. These mind-altering (psychoactive) properties are characterized by changes in perception, consciousness, mood, cognition and behavior. Entheogenic plants include Iboga mushrooms, Ayahuasca, Cacti and Psilocybin. They have served spiritual and healing purposes for thousands of years and remain relevant today. A growing amount scientific work on these plants shows that they can be used to treat many physical and emotional health problems. Various clinical studies and anecdotal reports suggest that entheogens they can help break the cycle of emotional and psychological conditions, including depression, anxiety and addiction.

What is Ayahuasca?

The origin of Ayahuasca

Ayahuasca comes from South America from the Amazon basin, as they are the first tribe to prepare this drink. The history of this ancient beer has different points of view. Some authors believe it has existed for about 5,000 years, while some claim it to be about 1,000 years old. Regardless of the debate, the general consensus is that that ayahuasca is an ancient drug and originates from the upper Amazon basin.


Popularity of Ayahuasca

The global popularity of Ayahuasca began in 1970 when Dennis and Terence McKenna traveled to the Colombian Amazon to search for a DMT-containing plant called oo-koo-he. Instead the two brothers found Psilocybe Cubensis (magic mushrooms) and conducted an "experiment at La Chorrera, which involved “building a hyperdimensional vehicle from a 4D transformation of my own DNA interlaced Fungus DNA,” he states. Dennis. They wrote two books about their experience at La Chorrera. And then Dennis focused on ayahuasca and oo-koo-he research and collaborated with pharmaceutical companies. His research results, local and international speaking engagements and books have helped popularize ayahuasca around the world.

Plants used in the production of ayahuasca

Banisteriopsis Caapi:
Also known as caapi, yage or ayahuasca, Banisteriopsis caapi is a woody vine and the only plant that which is present in every Ayahuasca infusion. In other words, ayahuasca cannot be without Banisteriopsis caapi. Caapi itself does not necessarily have psychoactive properties—instead, it has elements that make it different plants with psychedelic properties become orally active. One of its main alkaloids, harmala, act as monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs). MAOIs have antidepressant effects k neutralization of monoamine oxidase in the stomach, thereby allowing DMT (the main psychoactive component of ayahuasca) pass through the stomach into the bloodstream, to the brain.

Psychotria Viridis:
Also known as caapi, yage or ayahuasca, Banisteriopsis caapi is a woody vine and the only plant that which is present in every Ayahuasca infusion. In other words, ayahuasca cannot be without Banisteriopsis caapi. Caapi itself does not necessarily have psychoactive properties—instead, it has elements that make it different plants with psychedelic properties become orally active. One of its main alkaloids, harmala, act as monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs). MAOIs have antidepressant effects k neutralization of monoamine oxidase in the stomach, thereby allowing DMT (the main psychoactive component of ayahuasca) pass through the stomach into the bloodstream, to the brain.

Justicia Pectoralis:
Also known as tilo, masha-hari and piri piri. The main compound of Justicia pectoralis is coumarin, which has an anticoagulant effect and can rid the body of uric acid. This makes it an effective option for the treatment of certain circulatory disorders and gout.

Brugmansia nebo Datura:
Also known as toé or maikoa, Brugmansia or Datura are powerful deliratives that can help reduce nausea, motion sickness and stomach cramps. Its main purpose is for the ayahuasca ceremony to be easily manageable for humans.

Nicotiana Rustica:
Nicotiana rustica or mapacho or rapé is a ceremonial tobacco with a higher nicotine content than a regular cigarette. It helps to stimulate blood circulation, increases your focus and attention during the ceremony. The main purpose is to ensure to be sensitive to the psychological effects of ayahuasca.

What is Iboga?

Iboga vs Ayahuasca

Iboga or Tabernanthe iboga plant is a small perennial shrub native to some West African countries and used for medicinal, ritual and ceremonial purposes. It has small green leaves, yellow-white or pink flowers and orange oval or round fruits. Its average height is 4 meters, although in the very in a favorable environment it can eventually grow up to 10 meters. In stem bark, root, leaves and root bark has about 20 naturally occurring alkaloids. The root bark has the highest concentration of alkaloids.

Origin of Iboga

Iboga is native to central West Africa, particularly Gabon, Cameroon and the Congo. It was used Bwiti as their main sacrament for thousands of years. Bwiti is a spiritual tradition that began with Babong (also known as Bongo Pygmies) and is now practiced in many West African countries. The Bwiti consider Iboga a sacrament because it helps them fulfill various spiritual and healing needs. Among other things, Iboga helps with pathological problems, stabilizes their community and brings them to adulthood, all while promoting spiritual growth. As their main sacrament, Iboga is consumed in large quantities during what is known as "consecration".

The popularity of Iboga:

Compared to other herbal psychedelics, Iboga remains largely unknown to this day. Its first use in the west it dates back to 1900 after French explorers learned of its benefits from the Bwiti tribe and brought it to Europe. From this, a French company developed a short-lived drug, which they called "lamberene", which was eventually discontinued. Recently, scientists have begun to study it and its medical benefits. As a result, its main chemical derivative, Ibogaine, is growing in many Western countries countries in popularity as an effective treatment for drug addiction, mood and anxiety disorders. Iboga itself (source) however, it remains generally unknown to many people. In addition to ibogaine, voacangin, tabernanthin, coronaridin, ibogamine and harmaline are some other alkaloids from Iboga that remain untapped for medicinal benefits.

Iboga vs Ayahuasca - Iboga terapie ceremonie

Comparison of Iboga and Ayahuasca

Both Iboga and Ayahuasca are master teaching plants that ignite lasting, deep spiritual transformations. They enter the body with the sole purpose of healing and awakening, resulting in holistic healing of the body and mind. Outside of that, however, they are VERY different.

Dietary requirements

Iboga: Iboga is more tolerant in its dietary requirements than ayahuasca. You don't need to follow a specific diet before an iboga ceremony. You just have to make sure you don't eat after 3pm on the ceremony days.

Some foods to avoid on the day of an Iboga ceremony are those associated with the inhibitor of Cytochrome P450 2D6 (CYP2D6) enzyme system – which can block some liver enzymes.

These include grapefruit and pomelo. These types of food they stop the breakdown of iboga and increase the concentration in the blood to dangerous levels.

You should also avoid tonic water and bitter lemon drinks due to quinine content, which contributes to the bitter taste and also inhibits CYP2D6.

Medications to avoid include antidepressants, especially SSRIs, antiarrhythmics, cannabidiol (CBD), antacids, antipsychotics, antibiotics, antifungals, anti-HIV, quinine, opioids and methadone, beta blockers and diuretics. You must also avoid alcohol for at least 3 to 7 days before the iboga ceremony.

Iboga vs Ayahuasca

Ayahuasca: Ayahuasca has a long list of foods, drugs and other activities to avoid. Actually many experienced shamans believe that it is best to start removing these foods and drugs from your diet as early as 2-4 weeks before the ayahuasca ceremony: red meat, Pork, ripening cheeses, Yoghurt, Alcohol, Fermented foods such as soy sauce, fermented tofu and sauerkraut, aspartame, Nutritional supplements such as protein powders, Peanuts (in large quantities), Chocolate (in large quantities), Spicy foods, Refined sugar (i.e. sweets and junk food), Dairy, Caffeine, Oils

Food, Medicines and Drugs

Food to avoid

  • Grapefruit
  • Pomelo
  • Avoid tonic water
  • Bitter lemon drinks due to their quinine content

It is also a good idea to abstain from alcohol for at least 3-7 days before a ceremony.

Léky, kterým je třeba se vyhnout, patří:

  • Antidepressants such as SSRI
  • MAO inhibitors
  • Barbiturates
  • Medications for sleeping
  • Alpha- and beta-blockers

Musíte se také vyhnout pouličním drogám, jako jsou:

  • Cocaine
  • Amphetamines
  • Opiates
  • Psilocybin
  • LSD
  • Marijuana
  • MDMA


Iboga vs Ayahuasca

Iboga: Iboga ceremonies last 8-12 hours and its effects last 12-36 hours. Causes ataxia, which makes it difficult to move and you can also clean yourself. Although not necessary, it can be a necessary part of a holistic a healing process that leads to the clearing of what you have been holding in your body. On Iboza with the largest chances are you won't sleep until the following evening, which is why the day after the iboga ceremony is usually spent as a "processing day". Processing Day is the day after the ceremony when deep introspection and insights occur. This processing experience can be often more instructive than the ceremony itself.

Ayahuasca: The average duration of an ayahuasca session is 4-6 hours. It takes 20-60 minutes to start up and its strongest effects can last 3-6 hours. There is often a cathartic cleansing of energy, such as diarrhea, vomiting, yawning and crying. There is a relatively quick recovery time, because after the ceremony you can sleep and s you will most likely recover by breakfast. The following day is usually filled with a feeling of loving, warm afterglow.

Number of Ceremonies Required: Iboga vs Ayahuasca

Iboga: Iboga requires fewer ceremonies to experience long-lasting healing. Usually 1-3 times. It has excellent and lasting effects that are sustainable for 2 months to 1 year. Effects of Iboga it depends on your choice of provider and your behavior after the retreat. Renowned iboga retreat centers they have the staff and equipment needed to ensure that participants get everything they need to be able to integrate what they have learned as they move forward in life.

Ayahuasca: Ayahuasca usually requires more frequent ceremonies, ranging from tens to hundreds of times, in order to experience permanent healing. Although its learning is deep, it can sometimes fade quickly and thus requires consistent maintenance. Its effects usually last 1-2 months.

Effects on the human body

Effects of Ayahuasca on the Human Body

Effects on the Brain and Body A recent review of the literature reveals that Ayahuasca activates sigma-1 receptors (Sig1R) (1). The activation of these receptors is associated with a reduction in inflammation and oxidative stress in the brain. DMT appears to be a major activator of Sig1R and also increases neuronal survival by making brain cells more resistant to hypoxia (2). In addition, the effect of DMT on the receptors can stimulate the formation of new neurons and improve the mental performance of test animals (3) Beta-carboline has also been found to induce the proliferation of new brain cells (4). According to the overview currently In available preclinical studies, MAOIs increase brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) levels (5). BDNF is known to increase the survival of brain cells and stimulate the ability of new neurons to grow. In addition, beta-carboline improved memory/learning in several animal models. In addition to its effect on the brain, Ayahuasca can also modulate levels of the stress hormone cortisol in the body (6). This is considered to be one of the benefits of tea for depression patients.

Iboga vs Ayahuasca
Iboga vs Ayahuasca

Účinky Ibogy na mozek a tělo

Effects on the Brain and Body A recent review of the literature reveals that Ayahuasca activates sigma-1 receptors (Sig1R) (1). The activation of these receptors is associated with a reduction in inflammation and oxidative stress in the brain. DMT appears to be a major activator of Sig1R and also increases neuronal survival by making brain cells more resistant to hypoxia (2). In addition, the effect of DMT on the receptors can stimulate the formation of new neurons and improve the mental performance of test animals (3) Beta-carboline has also been found to induce the proliferation of new brain cells (4). According to the overview currently In available preclinical studies, MAOIs increase brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) levels (5). BDNF is known to increase the survival of brain cells and stimulate the ability of new neurons to grow. In addition, beta-carboline improved memory/learning in several animal models. In addition to its effect on the brain, Ayahuasca can also modulate levels of the stress hormone cortisol in the body (6). This is considered to be one of the benefits of tea for depression patients.

Potential medical uses and therapeutic effects


Ayahuasca seems to be quite effective in alleviating the symptoms of depression. In addition to their effects on cortisol, the alkaloids in tea have powerful serotonergic effects that have been found to reduce symptoms of depression by 82% in human studies. (7). A randomized study of 29 patients with depression reported that even a single dose of Ayahuasca was enough to alleviate the symptoms of the disease. (8). The tea is also thought to have the potential to improve PTSD symptoms in sufferers (9). A review of the literature states that 4 human studies a several animal studies have also reported anti-addictive properties of ayahuasca (10). These effects are probably a combination of inhibition MAO and serotoninergic effects of DMT.


Ibogaine has been used successfully in reducing addiction and drug-seeking behavior opioids (heroin, morphine, oxycodone), cocaine, amphetamines, alcohol and nicotine. One of the largest studies of addiction patients examines the effect of ibogaine therapy on 88 participants. The alkaloid helped 30% of participants completely break their addiction, and 54% remained abstinent for more than a year (20). Addiction patients are commonly affected by mental health issues such as depression, anxiety and PTSD. Studies report that symptoms of depression are also significantly reduced or eliminated after treatment with ibogaine (21, 22). One of the studies with PTSD patients reported that the alkaloid also reduced symptoms of anxiety, cognitive disorders and suicidal thoughts in all 51 participants (23).

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